Some of My Go-To Favorites
My recommends! (Most of them don’t know they are here) check them out.
Repeating Numbers
I found a great site that has information on repeating numbers also known as Angels numbers. Enjoy
Psychics Hawaii
This is not goodbye… More Readers and Healers, check out their website

101 Financial
Learning how to do your finances set’s you up to achieve goals and dreams. I’m 100% that this is worth it. My sister is an instructor and I’m providing her contact information. If you didn’t want to contact her because of our relationship no problem I would still encourage you to join. The cost is $3000 HOWEVER the program teaches you how to use the banks money to pay. They also have a 99 program for $200 that my clients found to be very beneficial. This is my sister Jovannah & brother inlaw Travis

It’s legit, don’t believe the negativity you hear about this. It’s a great program to be on. “Life insurance really should be called a death policy,” is how it was explained to me. These are benefits you could use, in times of need, now; so to say. Ask for Warren the link is to his Facebook

Loan Officer
Lahela doesn’t know she’s here either, but she’s a strong & open minded woman. She’s firm in her spirituality & I just love her. Use the link I’ve provided below to apply or call 808-358-8862.

Hawaii 808 Tattoo
Again he doesn’t know he’s here but I’m sure he doesn’t mind
Darin’s extremely creative & connects will with people because he’s so open minded & spiritual, if you’re looking for someone who does Tattoo I’ve linked his website

I love you elvis
Because it’s my site and I can post what I want lol. A client gifted this album to me. I just love Elvis!

All Time Fave!
Another one of my spiritual favorites, my pillow and blanket!! haha
Some of My Go-To Favorites
My recommends! (Most of them don’t know they are here) check them out.
Repeating Numbers
I found a great site that has information on repeating numbers also known as Angels numbers. Enjoy
Psychics Hawaii
This is not goodbye…
More Readers and Healers, check out their website

101 Financial
Learning how to do your finances set’s you up to achieve goals and dreams. I’m 100% that this is worth it. My sister is an instructor and I’m providing her contact information. If you didn’t want to contact her because of our relationship no problem I would still encourage you to join. The cost is $3000 HOWEVER the program teaches you how to use the banks money to pay. They also have a 99 program for $200 that my clients found to be very beneficial. This is my sister Jovannah & brother inlaw Travis

It’s legit, don’t believe the negativity you hear about this. It’s a great program to be on. “Life insurance really should be called a death policy,” is how it was explained to me. These are benefits you could use, in times of need, now; so to say. Ask for Warren the link is to his Facebook

Hawaii 808 Tattoo
Again he doesn’t know he’s here but I’m sure he doesn’t mind
Darin’s extremely creative & connects will with people because he’s so open minded & spiritual, if you’re looking for someone who does Tattoo I’ve linked his website

Loan Officer
Lahela doesn’t know she’s here either, but she’s a strong & open minded woman. She’s firm in her spirituality & I just love her. Use the link I’ve provided below to apply or call 808-358-8862.

I love you elvis
Because it’s my site and I can post what I want lol. A client gifted this album to me. I just love Elvis!

All Time Fave!
Another one of my spiritual favorites, my pillow and blanket!! haha