Higher Self, Guardian Angel, Spirit team connections, past life, healing light, masters of healing and specialty soul-hypno

Soul Hypnotherapy Session

what it is

It is a combination of hypnosis and therapy. The method is used to make changes we feel we need.

The conscious mind is responsible for directing the way we think/behave. The subconscious, holds all our memories, experiences, inner beliefs and the root to where our habits/behavior began. To access this part of our mind, so that positive suggestions can be accepted – put on auto pilot so to say, you will be put in a relaxed state where the conscious part of the mind takes a break from safeguarding the subconscious. If the new suggestion(s) is excepted both parts then work together to bring about positive change.

What does a hypnotic state mean?

It is the same state of mind that happens very naturally each day for us. For example, have you ever drove home not paying attention to the details of the drive and as soon as you know it, you’re there? It’s like “phasing out” or a daydreaming state. Hypnotherapy allows the mind to relax, it turns off the motor mouth or chatter box of thoughts.

When in Hypnosis one is in a state of increased awareness. Most remain wide awake and are aware of what is happening . During the process the subconscious mind can be accessed; it will communicate what it needs,  knows exactly how to change things and most importantly has the power to do it. Good stuff!

the sessions I offer

  • Connecting to Higher Wisdom – this session can help in finding your life purpose, enhance spiritual gifts, receiving self /energy- healing, finding answers/ solutions or guidance and connection to Higher Self.

  • Healing subconscious blockages in all areas of life that prevent you from your goals & desires – blocks to the energetic flow.

  • “Minor” phobias

  • Guided meditations – to see guides or past loved ones.

  • Aide in stronger and enhanced connection to your talismans, energy tools (crystals, mojo bags, lucky charms, symbols etc.) by using suggestions.

  • Behavior goals – like over coming anxiety, confidence boost, grounding, self love etc.

  • Clearing Chakras

*Sorry I don’t want to do Quit Smoking and as far as weight loss, normally, there are multiple causes. It takes a lot of time and dedication on your part. If you want a session for this, please make note, that I will only allow it if, you book 3 sessions within a week which would be considered phase 1.  For me, weight loss is a process and should be done in addition to your exercise and healthy eating.

Everyone experiences different things. You will experience what’s best for you and that’s one of the beautiful things about hypnotherapy. It’s beneficial if you get more than one session I cannot stress this enough.

why should I book with Hannah?

In these sessions I can incorporate energy healing work during and after your session. I’m an Empath so I can feel what you are experiencing in your session, which aids in your healing process or can enhance your experience. Being “in tune,” I can amplify a “state” of emotion for better results and it gives an edge.

What can I expect from my Hypno?

  • We’ll have a pre-talk, this is therapy time, you’ll probably get emotional. Please know this is part of the process. Being an empath, I found it makes it easier for clients to bring certain emotions to the surface in a comfortable way.  I can normally sense what emotion it is and help. During the pre-talk we will also go over your suggestions YOU would like.
  • You’ll get comfortable and we’ll begin with something like a meditation where you will do your best to imagine the things I am saying. We may even do an attunement to get you in a very relaxed state.

  • You’ll be fully alert the whole time, some of you may fall asleep, but it will still work.

  • We begin your chosen service, I then may l give you your suggestions; if you’d like – You may record. Please bring yourself a device (cell phone is good)

  • I’ll count you out – meaning I’ll prepare your body and mind to come back to the awareness of the room.

  • I’ll give you some exercises, homework to be sure we lock in those suggestions, if needed

You may need up to 3 sessions / follow up sessions before you see significant results for self-healing sessions, removing blockages, phobias and or behavior goals. However, I’ve seen a 50% change, at the very least, in people within a week.

As for Spiritual work like Past Life and Higher Wisdom there is no guarantee that you will “connect,” if you will, on the first try however, like most, you may sense things in your experience and more results from the session may come within days or weeks after – pretty cool.

I CANNOT tell you how many sessions you may need. Sorry.

During your session...

Things surface that may be embarrassing or weird. Please, I encourage you to say what you see. It is so important to the process. This is the way your subconscious is communicating. Trust the process it works.

You may say things about loved ones. DO NOT worry about judgment that’s not what I’m about. All I want to do is help. I know you love your family members, so you won’t have to defend them. And if you don’t…Don’t worry, I come from love.

Other than that… book yourself and try to enjoy the process. Muah!

Higher Self, Guardian Angel, Spirit team connections, past life, healing light, masters of healing and specialty soul-hypno

Soul Hypnotherapy Session

what it is

It is a combination of hypnosis and therapy. The method is used to make changes we feel we need.

The conscious mind is responsible for directing the way we think/behave. The subconscious, holds all our memories, experiences, inner beliefs and the root to where our habits/behavior began. To access this part of our mind, so that positive suggestions can be accepted – put on auto pilot so to say, you will be put in a relaxed state where the conscious part of the mind takes a break from safeguarding the subconscious. If the new suggestion(s) is excepted both parts then work together to bring about positive change.

What does a hypnotic state mean?

It is the same state of mind that happens very naturally each day for us. For example, have you ever drove home not paying attention to the details of the drive and as soon as you know it, you’re there? It’s like “phasing out” or a daydreaming state. Hypnotherapy allows the mind to relax, it turns off the motor mouth or chatter box of thoughts.

When in Hypnosis one is in a state of increased awareness. Most remain wide awake and are aware of what is happening . During the process the subconscious mind can be accessed; it will communicate what it needs,  knows exactly how to change things and most importantly has the power to do it. Good stuff!

the sessions I offer

  • Connecting to Higher Wisdom – this session can help in finding your life purpose, enhance spiritual gifts, receiving self /energy- healing, finding answers/ solutions or guidance and connection to Higher Self.

  • Healing subconscious blockages in all areas of life that prevent you from your goals & desires – blocks to the energetic flow.

  • “Minor” phobias

  • Guided meditations – to see guides or past loved ones.

  • Aide in stronger and enhanced connection to your talismans, energy tools (crystals, mojo bags, lucky charms, symbols etc.) by using suggestions.

  • Behavior goals – like over coming anxiety, confidence boost, grounding, self love etc.

  • Clearing Chakras

*Sorry I don’t want to do Quit Smoking and as far as weight loss, normally, there are multiple causes. It takes a lot of time and dedication on your part. If you want a session for this, please make note, that I will only allow it if, you book 3 sessions within a week which would be considered phase 1.  For me, weight loss is a process and should be done in addition to your exercise and healthy eating.

Everyone experiences different things. You will experience what’s best for you and that’s one of the beautiful things about hypnotherapy. It’s beneficial if you get more than one session I cannot stress this enough.

why should I book with Hannah?

In these sessions I can incorporate energy healing work during and after your session. I’m an Empath so I can feel what you are experiencing in your session, which aids in your healing process or can enhance your experience. Being “in tune,” I can amplify a “state” of emotion for better results and it gives an edge.

What can I expect from my Hypno?

  • We’ll have a pre-talk, this is therapy time, you’ll probably get emotional. Please know this is part of the process. Being an empath, I found it makes it easier for clients to bring certain emotions to the surface in a comfortable way.  I can normally sense what emotion it is and help. During the pre-talk we will also go over your suggestions YOU would like.
  • You’ll get comfortable and we’ll begin with something like a meditation where you will do your best to imagine the things I am saying. We may even do an attunement to get you in a very relaxed state.

  • You’ll be fully alert the whole time, some of you may fall asleep, but it will still work.

  • We begin your chosen service, I then may l give you your suggestions; if you’d like – You may record. Please bring yourself a device (cell phone is good)

  • I’ll count you out – meaning I’ll prepare your body and mind to come back to the awareness of the room.

  • I’ll give you some exercises, homework to be sure we lock in those suggestions, if needed

You may need up to 3 sessions / follow up sessions before you see significant results for self-healing sessions, removing blockages, phobias and or behavior goals. However, I’ve seen a 50% change, at the very least, in people within a week.

As for Spiritual work like Past Life and Higher Wisdom there is no guarantee that you will “connect,” if you will, on the first try however, like most, you may sense things in your experience and more results from the session may come within days or weeks after – pretty cool.

I CANNOT tell you how many sessions you may need. Sorry.

During your session...

Things surface that may be embarrassing or weird. Please, I encourage you to say what you see. It is so important to the process. This is the way your subconscious is communicating. Trust the process it works.

You may say things about loved ones. DO NOT worry about judgment that’s not what I’m about. All I want to do is help. I know you love your family members, so you won’t have to defend them. And if you don’t…Don’t worry, I come from love.

Other than that… book yourself and try to enjoy the process. Muah!