Demons, Spirits and Roosters

Here in Hawai’i it’s quite common for many of us to hear roosters. One early morning while inbetween a state of sleep and being “awake,” my attention was captured by the screech of a rooster. Earlier I had a demonic dream[1]Demon Dreams have been something I’ve experienced since I was little. Our subconscious processes difficult experiences from the waking state in dreams. Contact with lower vibrations from a person … Continue reading and this whole experience was during a Dark Moon[2] A month with no new moon, two new moons in a month or the third, of 4, new moons in a season 3 months in a season would equal 3 new moons – on some occasions their is four; so, out of the 4 … Continue reading cycle[3]It was important for me to add the Black Moon cycle because during Strong New Moon energy it affects the mind. Also it is believed that the activity of demons, devils & darker Spirits are harder … Continue reading.

At that moment, it sounded like the scream of multiple souls which was strangely not scary. It made me think of the scream of what a Banshee could possibly sound like. Intuitively it felt very spiritual in the sense of having some type of deeper meaning. I’m not sure why but the idea of some type of connection between this rooster’s sound and demons or spirits crossed my mind; isn’t that how intuition sometimes works?

I’ve always had a connection with chickens and roosters. Different colors, actions and areas of sightings have their own meaning to me; overall it’s money in business, positivity and luck. Aside from the science of why they crow, like, seeing a challenge, territorial warning or it’s internal clock going off, I believe in some circumstances, there’s spiritual meaning to it – not speaking of one’s animal spirit or totem.

In deeper intuitive thought and a bit of research here’s what I found about Roosters & it’s correlation to Demons & Spirits,

…According to folk legends and beliefs night ghosts, spirits and devils disappear with the first cry of the cock. The rooster motif, dispersing evil spirits with his call, is the culmination of many folk tales. It was often depicted on a cross, along with the sun, as a protection from the underworld…

…For Eastern Slavs, the cock is the ‘twin’ of its owner. It was common believe that one should only move into a new house, once the rooster cock happily spent a night in it. According to the Slavs, the cockscomb protects people from nightmares as the rooster is vigilant and all-seeing…

…(China) A living rooster or his image is used in funeral processions as a force to drive away evil spirits…RU|EN – 2014

After finding this information things began to click for me. In my search it was mentioned that many cultures associate the Rooster with the sun (this is a whole topic in itself). As an energy worker the Sun represents the light that drives out all darkness, helps to bring peace to work and helps with business; there’s so much, much more however, I only listed the powers that relate to my topic. It makes so much sense to me now why I intuitively associate the Rooster with work and business. I can also see the relation to entities as well….

Another interesting find,

…the Celtic and the Nordic describe it (Rooster) as a messenger of the Underworld, calling out to the fallen souls and screeching out warnings. Believed to ward off all the evil spirits that lurked about during the night with its crowing.

Ri`chard Alois 2021

This statement made me think, where the hell has my soul been that I would know this stuff; The information our intuition can access from our soul is amazing!

I slapped my hands after reading the section below, of the 2016, Symbols in Arts, Religion and Culture: The Soul of Nature by Farrin Chwalkowski. 

In the Hmong culture of the mountainous region of China, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand, a shaman may use a rooster in religious ceremonies because it is believed the rooster shields the shaman from evil spirits by making him invisible as the evil spirits only see the rooster’s spirit.

Am I the shaman being protected and shielded as I was in this, in between, state during a Black moon cycle? Or was the devil entering my home LOL, as some folklore believe, when hearing a cocks scream. 

With the spiritual activity of the strong moon cycle and my intuition, I know the experience was protective, informational – to encourage learning and for sharing.

It’s safe to say my thirst for answers had been quenched for the time being, on this topic. I wasn’t looking for the symbolism of random folklore, magickal or religious use and meaning. I wanted to understand the connection of the rooster or cocks crow to Spirits, demons and or devils; which has brought me a new appreciation for the great Rooster.




1 Demon Dreams have been something I’ve experienced since I was little. Our subconscious processes difficult experiences from the waking state in dreams. Contact with lower vibrations from a person or place can trigger these nightmares as well. Empaths or H.S. can be influenced by the personal demons of others & work it out in their own dreams too. Last, the inbetween state, without protection, can make us susceptible to “attack” or encounters.
2  A month with no new moon, two new moons in a month or the third, of 4, new moons in a season 3 months in a season would equal 3 new moons – on some occasions their is four; so, out of the 4 the Black moon would be the third of that cycle.
3 It was important for me to add the Black Moon cycle because during Strong New Moon energy it affects the mind. Also it is believed that the activity of demons, devils & darker Spirits are harder to detect during new moon cycles vs the full moon which heightens our sensitivity and our awareness towards them hence the sneak attack (not the greatest description but I’ll trust you get it.